MYRINET Paper Presentations(.doc)
Myrinet, ANSI/VITA 26-1998, is a high-speed local area networking system designed by Myricom to be used as an inter connect between multiple machines to form computer clusters. Myrinet has much less protocol overhead than standards such as Ethernet, and therefore provides better throughput, less interference, and lower latency while using the host CPU. Although it can be used as a traditional networking system, Myrinet is often used directly by programs that "know" about it, thereby bypassing a call into the operating system.References:-
1.A. Gulati, D. K. Panda, P. Sadayappan, and P. Wyckoff, NIC-based RateControl for Proportional Bandwidth Allocation in Myrinet Clusters, ICPP ‘012.S. Senapathi, B. Chandrasekharan, D. Stredney, H.-W. Shen, and D. K.Panda, QoS-aware Middleware for Cluster-based Servers to SupportInteractive and Resource-Adaptive Applications, HPDC ’033. D. Buntinas, D. K. Panda, J. Duato, and P. Sadayappan,Broadcast/Multicast over Myrinet using NIC-Assisted MultidestinationMessages, CANPC ‘034. D. Buntinas, D. K. Panda and P. Sadayappan, Fast NIC-Based Barrierover Myrinet/GM, IPDPS ‘01.5. D. Buntinas, D.K. Panda, and W. Gropp, NIC-Based Atomic Operationson Myrinet/GM, SAN-16. D. Buntinas and D. K. Panda, NIC-Based Reduction in Myrinet Clusters:Is It Beneficial? SAN-27. W. Yu, D. Buntinas, and D. K. Panda, High Performance and ReliableNIC-Based Multicast over Myrinet/GM-2, ICPP ’03
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