Join David Gassner in Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP and MySQL as he explains how to add dynamic data to a PHPenabled web site in Dreamweaver CS5. This course shows how to plan and create a
MySQL database, define a PHPenabled site in Dreamweaver CS5, connect the site to the database, and manage and present dynamic data. Dreamweaver CS5 features are demonstrated throughout the
video series, including PHP custom class
introspection and sitespecific code hinting. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:
Understanding dynamic versus static content
Installing WAMP and MAMP servers
Adding PHP commands to web pages
Setting and outputting variables
Using serverside includes
Creating PHP custom classes
Adding the Zend Framework to a PHP installation
Creating a MySQL database
Adding data in phpMyAdmin
Building recordsets
Formatting dynamic data
data entry formsAuthenticating users
Deploying a dynamic site