THE BIO CHIPS Paper Presentations(.doc)
Abstract:-“Biochips”-The most exciting future technology is an outcome of the fields of Computer science, Electronics & Biology. Its a new type of bio-security device to accurately track information regarding what a person is doing, and who is to accurately track information regarding what he is doing, and who is actually doing it. It’s no more required with biochips the good old idea of remembering pesky PINs, Passwords, & Social security numbers .No more matters of carrying medical records to a hospital, No more cash/credit card carrying to the market place; everything goes embedded in the chip…. Every thing goes digitalized. No more hawker tricks on the internet….! Biochip has a variety technique for secured E-money transactions on the net. The power of biochips exists in capability of locating lost children, downed soldiers, and wandering Alzheimer patients.References:-
1.ELECTRONICS FOR YOU & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINES. IEEE MICROWAVES MAGAZINE.2.M.FAUNDEZ ZANURRY, VULNERABILITY OF BIOMETRIC SECURITY.PROCEEDINGS OF IEEE VOL.36,No 10, DECEMBER 20053.HITTING THE NERVE (from the New Scientist).4.Doctors Test Chips in Eyeballs to Restore Sight from azcentral.com5.Anthony’s textbook of Anatomy and Physiology - Gary A Thibodeau, Kevin T PattonGet Full Paper: Click HereView Full Paper: Click Here
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