Video2brain – Learning AutoCAD 2013 by Scott Onstott
Trainer: Scott Onstott
Publication date: Sep 25, 2012
Duration: 7 hrs 25 min
Format: MP4 | Resolution: 1280?720
File Size: 1.80GB
If you’re looking to quickly become proficient in computer-aided design, this course from AutoCAD expert and author Scott Onstott is for you. No experience is necessary to go from absolute beginner to confidently creating accurate
2D drawings and 3D models. After getting comfortable with the AutoCAD interface you will learn fundamental skills
and apply them to real-world practice projects. Then, if you like, you can move on to more advanced topics like
dimensioning, working with data and attributes, and using constraints. This course is produced in association with our partners at
Sybex, a Wiley
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