Lava Mobiles has launched a new entry-level Android smartphone under its IRIS series. Available at online stores such as Saholic and Infibeam for Rs. 3,899, the Lava IRIS 351 comes with dual-SIM support (GSM + GSM).
The Lava IRIS 351 has a 3.5-inch capacitive touchscreen with 480 x 320 pixels resolution. The smartphone runs Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread and is powered by a 1GHz processor. It has 256MB of RAM.
Other key specifications of the Lava IRIS 351 include 2MP rear camera, 512 MB built-in storage space (110MB user available) and microSD slot that supports 16GB storage. Lava is bundling a 4GB storage card in the package.
For connectivity, the smartphone supports GPRS, EDGE, Wi-FI, Bluetooth and USB. There's a 1300 mAh battery.
Lava IRIS 351
Lava's IRIS 351 will be taking on Spice's recently launched Stellar Buddy Mi-315, which features dual-SIM (GSM + GSM), Android 2.3 Gingerbread OS, 256MB of RAM, 3.2-inch capacitive touchscreen, 3.2MP rear camera, 170MB built-in storage and has a microSD slot that supports storage up to 16GB. Read more about the Stellar Buddy Mi-315 here.
In the same price range, Micromax offers the A30 Smarty 3.0 dual-SIM capabilities, Android 2.3 Gingerbread, 832MHz CPU with 256MB of RAM, 512MB ROM, expandable up to 32GB via microSD, 3-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 320x240 pixels. Read more about the Smarty 3.0