This is a
civil engineering project about Behavior of strengthened
concrete beams with coconut layer as rough congeries. This project is deals with Concrete beams and
Construction materials. Its a free downloadable project for
final year students.
Project Title : Behavior of strengthened concrete beams with coconut layer as rough congeriesProject Domain : Concrete Beams, Construction materials Civil Project Abstracts :
The heavy price of traditional
building materials is a significant component affecting real estate delivery in world. This has required research into alternative components of construction. The project paper is designed at assessing flexural and compression strength features of tangible produced using mashed, granular grape as replacements for traditional rough combination with partially replacement using M30 grade concrete. Beams are casted, tried and their physical and technical properties are identified.
Primary is to encourage the use of these ‘seemingly’ waste materials as construction components in
low-cost real estate. It is also expected to satisfy the requirements of motivating
real estate designers in investing these materials in
house construction.
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