Samsung has finally released the India price for its new Galaxy Grand smartphone. The device, which runs Android 4.1 aka Jelly Bean, will cost Rs 21,500.
As part of a special introductory offer, Samsung says that the device will come with a Flip Cover in the box and users can download music and movies through ‘My Services’ worth Rs. 8000 for free along with 50GB Dropbox space. Vodafone users also get 2GB data download free per month for two months.
Samsung has launched the dual-SIM version of the device. The single SIM version is GT-I9080 and should be launched soon. In the dual-SIM version, Samsung promises total communication flexibility, which allows users to manage two phone numbers from a single phone. It is possible to receive calls on one SIM number while taking a call from the other, ensuring efficient management of personal and work commitments without ever missing a call
Key features of the device are:
• The smartphone has a 5-inch screen WVGA TFT LCD screen.
The Samsung Galaxy Grand is here.
• It has an 8 megapixel rear camera and 2 megapixel front camera.
• It runs Android 4.1.2 aka Jelly Bean.
• It has 1.2 Ghz dual-core processor along with 1GB RAM. The device has 8GB memory space and supports a MicroSD card and is expandable up to 64GB.