Motion Punch Studios, an India-based game development startup, proudly announced that its debut mobile game launch, Angry Baby (for Android, iOS and other platforms), has had over 7000 downloads on iTunes App Store, 700 downloads on Google Play store, within the first month of its launch.
A free game, Angry Baby features 20 levels, with regular free updates in the pipeline. According to Motion Punch, the gameplay has been thoroughly optimized for all platforms, including full Retina Display support on the new iPad. The game marks the company’s first integrated entertainment launch, with retail merchandise available at the company’s official
website.The story revolves around helping the Angry Baby, Tobu, to get his toys back, which the creepy aliens stole from him on an adventurous dreamy night. While on his quest to outer space, he figures out that even the heavenly bodies are his
enemies.So, to safeguard his toys, he picks up a fight against the whole universe. As Tobu, players get to explore the dream world of Tobu with creepy aliens, fiery planets and raging comets. They have to be wary of obstacles, collect all toys and guide Tobu safely to the teleporter.