During freedom struggle a number of Writers, Poets, Artists and those belonging to creative community have participated in Independence Movement by writing Essays, Poems, Songs, Dramas. With their creative works they could reach large number of people and stimulate their patriotism.
In its journey of Second Independence, Lok Satta has launched Surajyam Movement. Time has come to stimulate the patriotism of our fellow indians, inspire and involve them in Surajya Movement. You can be a part of this. Please create Short Movies, Ad Movies, Songs(Lyrics), Essay Writing, Jokes, SMSes, Dramas, Skits, Poster Design, Cartoons or Slogans and share it with us. A team of respected and renowned Judges will select the best entries and they will be used for propagating the ideology of Surajya Movement in coming months. The Rules of the Competions are as follows:
LOG ON TO:http://www.surajyam.in/competitions