Microsoft launches Imagine Cup 2013
Ukraine’s Team quadSquad celebrate a first-place win in the Imagine Cup 2012’s Software Design category.
Students aged 16+ from around the world can now register to take part in Microsoft’s Imagine Cup 2013.
Now in its 11th year, more than 1.65 million students globally have participated in Imagine Cup, creating applications and games that address the world’s toughest social problems. This year it has been redesigned around three new core competitions: World Citizenship, Games and Innovation, with more prize money available than ever before.
World Citizenship honours software applications developed with the greatest potential to make a positive impact on humanity. Games honours the most engaging and entertaining games targeting teens and youth and Innovation honours apps that give consumers inspiration and innovation at their fingertips, whether it be a new spin on social networks, online shopping or search. All creations must be built using Microsoft software and technology.
The competition will culminate in a Worldwide Finals event in St. Petersburg, Russia next July, and finalists will also have the chance to apply for Microsoft Imagine Cup Grants as part of a three-year, US$3m investment by Microsoft to help students turn their ideas into reality.
“Imagine Cup is the beginning of a lifelong journey for a young entrepreneur, inventor, designer, developer or innovator,” says John Scott Tynes, Imagine Cup competition strategy and development manager.
“With the evolution of Imagine Cup, we’re further inspiring students from all academic backgrounds to collaborate on applications and seize opportunities post-Imagine Cup to polish their applications, gain the support they need to bring their technology to market, and fully realise their potential to impact their local communities and the world.”
For further information or to register, head to the official
Microsoft Imagine Cup website.