Eyeballs On YouTube Now Stay Longer
Remember the Fukushima disaster, it was worldwide watched by the youtube users in millions, as the service provider updated regularly.A technology survey revealed that YouTube users stayed more on the site fascinated by the video content available on the site. The survey states that nearly 60 percent longer than a year ago, after the global giant revamped its content. Millions of people like watching movies online on YouTube. YouTube has the most visitors daily (approx 2 billion views or more too, every single day.) YouTube now gives more reasons to watch movies online than on TVs after partnering with companies such as Sony, Warner Bros. and Universal.According to Comscore data, the average time spent watching video on Youtube is now 418.2 minutes per user per month. The site's owner Google said that subscriptions to the 'Channels' have increased by 50 percent since it was revamped in December 2011."The data is a sign that YouTube's sizeable audience base is beginning to tune in for longer periods of time, rather than simply snacking and leaving. That result is at least in part a function of YouTube's decision to offer more compelling, longer-form content," The Daily Mail quoted PaidContent, as saying.The new look, which aims to 'shift' the way people use the site, has 'channels' from the front page and a black navigation menu on the left hand side, which allows users to organise channels, rather than simply search for video using Google search. Google said that the channels will be on-demand services, each offering 25 hours of programming a day. (With inputs from internet- AarKay)
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