Ubuntu Linux For Windows
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Linux is now a necessary nowdays every computer professional and students need a good knowledge in the Opensource Operating system,having a good demand in the linux field in information technology worlds so it is giving a another goood of Opportunity of your carrer.mainly for the computer science students should know about the linux and self learners who is looking to learn latest computer technology .
Ubuntu is one of the leading opensource operating system using all over world,you may be a windows user but looking to woud you try some other Opensource operating sytem,fear to install it fresh on your system or dual booting don't worry about that you can install Unbuntu Linux inside the Windows !Wow Yes it's true,you can uninstall the Ubuntu system from your control panel but if you run the the Linux Ubuntu just restart the existing windows now you can find the dual booting option to acess windows or ubuntu you can selelct what you want it never harm on your system , don't just uninstall it from your control panel as a normal software . this is very useful for the beginners to linux.
| System Requirements: |
Operating System | Windows |
Licence | Free |