Hyderabad, March 15: Finally, APDSC 2012 Postponed as anticipated. The Directorate of School Education on Thursday announced the DSC Revised Schedule. The postponement was to make more number of candidates eligible to write DSC test by getting Teachers Eligibility Test, the officials said.
In Andhra Pradesh, TET score is compulsory to get teacher job. There were not enough number of candidates available for DSC, who have completed the TET in previous sessions. So far, TET was conducted twice in the state, to help the candidates for APDSC 2012.
As the APDSC 2012 Postponed, the DSC Revised Schedule come in to force and now the DSC Online Application Dates extended and DSC Hall Ticket Download and DSC Results dates also changed accordingly. You can find the DSC Latest Updates on time to time here. Candidates can check the DSC new dates given below.
DSC 2012 Revised Schedule Dates:
DSC 2012 Exam: August 27th, 28th and 29th (3 days)
–DSC 2012 Application submission last date: 13th July 2012.
–Exam Fee payment Last Date: 12th July 2012.
–DSC 2012 Hall Ticket Download: 14th August onwards.
–DSC 2012 Results announcement: 28th September 2012.