How to Reactivate a Facebook Account After Getting Disabled
Someday, while logging in on Facebook all of sudden, a message is displayed which says that your account has been disabled. You start thinking of what shall happen next as the contacts, all your photos and new friends that you have created shall be lost if you start a new account. You start calling your friends and ask them for some sort of advice, some shall advice you to forget your account and start a new one, may be some shall even ask you to make querry, you may even search on internet for the solution. Beforely it was adviced that to save your account before it gets disabled or hacked you have to create a backup of your account.
When your account gets disabled do not worry just fill up this form which is available even if you are not logged into facebook. After submitting the form successfully you shall recieve a confirmation mail from Facebook stating that you have successfully submitted the form.
You can also send an email to inquiring about why your account has been disabled in which you shall also display your willingness to remove any content that is unlawfull in the eyes of the Facebook Cops, in order to get your account reinstated.
The email that you will be sending to must be Cc to some other accounts as well. The other accounts to Cc in your inquiry email:
The usual time period regarding the job of getting your disabled account reistated is within 2-5 days, but it wholely depends upon whether you have actually violated or not.
Some Reasons behind Account Disabling are
- Porn
- Spamming
- Usage of Fake name instead of real name
- Usage of malicious apps which is common now a days
- Adding too many friends quickly and ignoring the warnings getting for it
- Showing too much of cleavage if you are a women and many more
If your account still doesn’t gets restored then you shall recieve an email Which shall be stating that in order to restore your account you have to make an email which shall containing a digital image (in JPEG format if possible) of an identification document issued by your government as your identification poof. The documents for identification should also satisfy these requirements:-
- It must be issued by your Government(e.g. passport, driver’s license)
- It Must be in color i.e not a black and white document
- It must clearly show your full name, date of birth, and photo
Then when your documents get verified than you shall again recieve an email from Facebook
We have restored access to your account, which was disabled after being used to create malicious Platform apps.
It appears that your account was compromised as a result of you entering your email and password credentials on a site designed to look like Facebook, which is commonly referred to as phishing. We strongly suggest that you change your Facebook password as soon as possible in order to ensure that you maintain sole control over your account.
In the future, please be more careful when being asked to enter your credentials on any site besides If you are ever suspicious that you are experiencing a Phishing attempt, you can always type “” into your browser to ensure that you are actually on the legitimate Facebook site.
Share what you did when your account got disabled? Did the above information helped you out or not? Also share your views of how to get a disabled Facebook account reinstated.