‘World Of Warcraft’ Patch 5.0.4 To Make Races Accessible To All
On August 28th when Blizzard Entertainment releases patch 5.0.4 for World of Warcraft, for the first time ever all races will become accessible to Warcraft players regardless of which version of the game they own. This means that even if you do not own any of the Warcraft expansions, you will still be able to roll a character using one of the races made available by them. This quantum shift in race accessibility will even include the Pandaren race, who become available on September 25th when Mists of Pandaria is released.
This begs question, which new race will you roll first?
Also, patch 5.0.4 marks the end of the current Arena Season and the official roll-out for the new Mists of Pandaria-centric talent tree system. Players should also expect to see a certain amount of ‘build up’ content to begin the lead up to the Panda launch.