Tamaggo - Take 360° HighResolution Shots With Ease
The team behind the new Tamaggo 360-imager are billing this new 'picture-taking device' as something that can 'set a new milestone in the history of imaging.'
So, what does this potential industry changing device do? Well it can capture 360° high-resolution, navigable images with just one click.
It features built-in panomorph technology which means the Tamaggraphs it produces (photos to me and you) can be taken from distances between 0 (zero) and infinity, no focus required. It can also capture images in four automatic orientations: Sky 360°, Ground 360°, horizontal panoramic and vertical panoramic. It also means that once the Tamaggraph is loaded on to a computer, tablet, smartphone or other compatible device, you'll be able to move around and look at different details within the shot – seeing what was above, below or even behind you as the shot was taken.
Tamaggo Founder and President Jean-Claude Artonne said: "One of the unique features is that the Tamaggo can freeze the action taking place within the entire 360°-imaging environment, unlike a standard stitching solution that needs multiple snapshots taken over a few seconds, such as required by Microsoft Photosynth and other stitching applications."If you want to print some of your Tamaggraphs off you can by cropping the scenes into high quality pictures.- The 14-megapixel Tamaggo 360-imager will be available in the second quarter of 2012 priced at $200.
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