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GATE 2012 Results Statistics & Percentile Calculator
GATE 2012 Percentile Calculator
The percentile calculator provide here, calculate your GATE 2012 Percentile in 3 simple and easy steps.
Step 1
First determine your All India Rank in GATE 2012. Your Rank will be provided with your test results.
Step 2
Secondly, you have to determine the total number of candidates appeared in your paper. This is also provided with the test results.
Step 3
Assign the information from the above two steps in the following equation
P= ((T-R) / T) x 100
P=GATE 2011 Percentile,
T=Total number of candidates in your paper in GATE 2012,
R= your All India Rank in GATE 2012.
Example: If your All India Rank was 500 and the total number of candidates in your category was 3000,
The equation will be like this:
P= ((3000-500) / 3000) x 100
So in the above example, your GATE 2012 Percentile is 83.3%